2016 was the year when most of the people had thought that piracy was about to end. At least the videogame had thought so. With the addition of the Denuvo software to most of the games, piracy was at an all time low. Some experts had gone as far as saying that piracy would be abolished in the next couple of years.
When Denuvo had been launched, all the pirates had been at their wits end. The infamous game crackers, 3DM had been forced to take a one year hiatus along with Skidrow. 2016 didn’t see a single game protected by Denuvo cracked. The only games that were, were the unprotected ones. Many people were mocking Konami for being a cheapskate and not adding Denuvo protection to its games.
Fast forward to 2017 and the tables have turned. All it took was one game, Rise of the Tomb Raider, to be cracked. Since then, there has been a flurry of cracked games out there. FIFA 17, which was released just a few days ago is already available on torrents with a working crack.
It looks a smart move by Konami on retrospection. It lost out on a fair share of revenue due to its lack of Denuvo. However, the overall gains far outweigh the losses it incurred. A potential deal would have set it back by quit a large chunk of money every year. Now that we know that Denuvo is not the failsafe it promised to be, Konami’s brave decision deserves applause.
Now that Denuvohas been cracked, companies all over the world are revising their predicted sales. The astronomical sales figures that had been predicted for this year are now being cut down due to this latest development.
It won’t come as a major surprise if game makers decide to cut short their deals with Denuvo due to this breach in contract. That is why it is said, you don’t count your chickens before they hatch. These makers had been way too much overconfident about Denuvo and had pushed up the prices of their new releases as a result. They seemed to have forgotten that where there is a will, there is a way and this does serve them right.
The break that 3DM and Skidrow had taken has seemed to have worked wonders for them. The Denuvo team on the other hand know has to work over time in order to get back in the game.
What are your thoughts on Denuvo being cracked? Do let us know in the comments section below.
Sumber: http://aperturegames.com/2551/kus-denuvo-cracked-pirates-shatter-hopes-of-the-gaming-industry-once-again/
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