Air Pollution
Air Quality Targets for Singapore
Singapore today enjoys an air quality better than many cities in Asia and comparable with US and European cities. We have also been faring well with the PSI in the ‘Good’ range 96% of the time in 2011.
Like many other major cities, air emissions from the industries and motor vehicles are the two key sources of air pollution domestically. Transboundary smoke haze from the land and forest fires in the region is also a problem which affects Singapore’s air quality intermittently during the South West Monsoon period from August to October.
Integrated urban and industrial planning, as well as development control have enabled the government to put in place preventive air pollution control measures during the planning stage. In addition, legislation, strict enforcement programme and air quality monitoring have helped to ensure that air quality remains good despite our dense urban development and large industrial base.
As international air quality benchmarks like the World Health Organisation Air Quality Guidelines are being periodically reviewed and enhanced based on latest findings on health, an Advisory Committee on Ambient Air Quality was formed by NEA in July 2010 to advise on a set of air quality targets for Singapore to safeguard public health.
The committee was chaired by the NEA with representatives from Ministry of Health, Ministry of Trade and Industry, Economic Development Board, Energy Market Authority, Ministry of Manpower, Ministry of Community Development, Youth and Sports, Singapore Environment Council, Singapore Tourism Board, National University of Singapore, Nanyang Technological University, National Health Group and the Singapore Health Services.
The committee completed its work in July 2011 and its recommendations were based on the assessment that the WHO AQGs are internationally recognised and rigorous as they are backed by scientific findings and health studies. The committee also advised that NEA should work towards achieving the WHO AQGs for all air pollutants in the long term. The executive summary of the recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Ambient Air Quality is attached.
MEWR, together with NEA, reviewed the recommendations of the Advisory Committee and the Sustainable Singapore Blueprint (SSB) commitments launched in 2009 to achieve an annual mean of 15µg/m3 of SO2 and 12µg/m3 of PM2.5 by 2020 and has worked with relevant government agencies and various stakeholders to arrive at a set of revised national air quality targets pegged to the WHO AQGs. The targets are in Annex I.
To work towards attaining the air quality targets by 2020, NEA has put together a roadmap with a set of abatement measures to achieve sustainable growth and development while maintaining public health and economic competitiveness. The abatement measures are summarised in Annex II.
Annex 1: Singapore Ambient Air Quality Targets
[1] Sustainable Singapore Blueprint annual target for PM2.5 of 12µg/m3 will be retained and aligned with WHO Interim Target of 37.5 µg/m3 for 24-hour mean
Annex II: Summary of Abatement Measures
Sulphur Dioxide (SO2) Emission Inventory
One of the major pollutants in Singapore is sulphur dioxide (SO2). The sources of SO2 emissions in Singapore include refineries, power stations, other industries, shipping and other minor sources such as vehicles, airport and construction activities. The 2010 SO2 emission inventory which is developed based on extensive emissions data collected from various sources in 2007 as shown in the table below.
Industrial Emissions
The NEA’s Source Emission Test Scheme for industries requires industries to conduct source emission test on their own or engage accredited consultants to do so on their behalf. This helps industries to monitor their air emissions regularly and to take measures, to ensure compliance with the prescribed air emission standards.
Motor Vehicles
Motor vehicles are a major source of air pollution. To control the emissions generated by motor vehicles, NEA regulates the type and quality of fuel that can be used in Singapore, and also sets minimum exhaust emission standards for all vehicles.
NEA takes stringent enforcement actions against smoky vehicles on the roads. Regulation 19 of the Environmental Protection and Management (Vehicular Emissions) Regulations stipulates that it is an offence for any person to use or permit the use of any smoky vehicle on the road.
It is the responsibility of every owner of a vehicle to ensure that the vehicle is in good condition before using it on the road. Besides carrying out proper servicing and maintenance of the vehicle regularly, the driver must also not overload the vehicle or drag the engine of the vehicle while driving. For 2-stroke motorcycles, the cause of white smoke emissions is usually due to addition of lubricating oil in excess of the amount specified in the vehicle manufacturer’s manual.
For further details on the regulations governing motor vehicle operation, importation and licensing, click here.
Off-Road Diesel Engines
With effect from 1 July 2012, all off-road diesel engines to be imported for use in Singapore are to comply with the EU Stage II, US Tier II or Japan Tier I off-road diesel engine emission standards. Off-road diesel engines are any equipment or machinery that is equipped with diesel engines as the main or auxiliary prime mover and not registered with the Land Transport Authority (LTA) for use on public roads. Examples of off-road diesel engines include construction equipment such as cranes, excavators, forklifts and power generators. Diesel engines used in ships, railways, locomotives and aircraft do not fall under this regulation.
All newly-imported off-road diesel engines, both new or used, intended for use in Singapore must comply with the stipulated emission standards with effect from 1 July 2012. This regulation includes those with engine power above 560kW. The engine or off-road diesel equipment can be sent to an overseas or Singaporeaccredited laboratory for an emissions test according to the ISO 8178 standards.
For new off-road diesel engines, NEA accepts common emissions test reports for each make and model.
For used off-road diesel engine, NEA requires an emissions test to be conducted on each and every unit before it can be allowed for use in Singapore.
Under the Environmental Protection and Management (Off-Road Diesel Engine Emissions) Regulations, it is an offence for any person to use off-road diesel engines imported into Singapore on or after 1 July 2012 if they do not comply with the stipulated emission standards.
The application form for approval to import and use off-road diesel engines with effect from 1 Jul 2012 can be downloaded from the following website and email it to
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